Apportionments and Shared Ministries
One of the unique and defining factors of the United Methodist Church is that we are Connectional. One way we show this connection is through apportioned giving or shared ministries.
Apportioned giving is a term which describes how the money you give to your church each week is divided and distributed throughout the United Methodist Church. Through you and your support of apportioned giving, we are able to participate in the ministry and mission of the United Methodist Church both locally and around the world.
Apportionments are the fuel for ministry. They allow us to share the concerns of people around the country and the world.
When we work together as God’s children and pool our giving, we are able to see the word ‘apportionment’ not as a constricting budget item but as a vehicle bringing God’s grace into our churches, our conference, and beyond.
When you give to your local United Methodist Church, your giving is divided into many pieces, and travels to many different places. It generally goes to support three significant areas: your church, the General and Jurisdictional Church Funds, and the ministries of the Greater New Jersey Conference.
The largest part of your giving (90%) should stay in your church, supporting and upholding its ministry and mission.
3 % of your giving travels to fund ministries around the world. Funds like the following:
World Service Fund
Ministerial Education Fund
Episcopal Fund
Black College Fund
Interdenominational Cooperation Fund
Africa University Fund
General Administration Fund
Jurisdictional Mission and Ministry Fund
7% of your giving goes to support the ministries of the Greater New Jersey Conference. Your giving goes to support the areas like those listed below:
Ministerial Support
Retired Ministers Pension and Insurance
Administration Fund
Conference Benevolences
Disaster Response
Higher Education and Campus Ministry